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Policy of Social Responsibility


To defend the equality of rights and opportunities, with no distinction of ethny, belief or gender, making our publics of interest aware about appreciation and respect of human rights, compliance of legal requirements, respect of life and promotion against social inequality.

Resibras has a Corporate Social Responsibility Committee that currently plans, performs and monitors the Social Responsibility actions promoted by the company. 
Such actions benefit our internal public and its dependents, as well as the surrounding community, and are extended to the countryside, which focus on education, employability, health, guarantee of rights and incentive to and awareness of environment preservation.
Campaigns are developed to approach contributors and their children by stimulating reading and education, whether by offering formal education courses and such projects as writing and drawing contests. With regard to preventive health, educational lectures are made about contents that are also applicable to their homes, countryside and community.
Main Projects:
Book Mobile:
By relying upon a collection or more than 150 books and DVDs, our employees are encouraged to read from Monday to Friday at break times and are able to loan books at no cost for every quarter.
Continued Education:
More than 50 employees join a continued education system sponsored by the company, which is focused on their graduation, professional development and digital inclusion.
Manager Qualification:
Training activities are continuously held to develop leaders and skills that are necessary for the position.
Campaign to stimulate children's Reading:
With the objective of stimulating children to read, Resibras A New Time Program provides a drawing context involving the contributors’ children.
Every year a theme is chosen, which varies between health, safety, culture, employability, environment and ethics. The best designs were awarded at an event held at the Company during the Children's Week and are published in a booklet, which is distributed to all employees.
Child reading incentive campaign:
With the objective of encouraging the children to read and making the employee's family to come closer to the company, the employees’ children participate every year in a contest promoted by the company to represent a text into a drawing.
Young Apprentice:
RESIBRAS complies with the law and supports the development of young candidates to their first job by providing courses about digital inclusion, behavior in workplace, ethics and career planning.
Individuals with special needs:
RESIBRAS currently employs individuals with special needs, such as hearing, physical and visual disabilities. We have adjusted the physical environment to allow them to easily and inclusively walk through the facilities. Such access plans are continuously monitored by the Internal Commission for Accident Prevention – CIPA.
Incentive for engagement of employees over 40 years old.
The company has a positive history of contracting employees within an age range that is normally discriminated in the work market.
Educational lectures:
With a calendar scheduled for the year, several themes are addressed ranging from health care to environmental preservation and conscious consumption of natural resources. In 2016, this action was extended to the community with a focus on employability and curriculum development for young people and parents of students who are out of the job market.
Retirement Support :
We support those employees at their retirement process by booking and following up their contact with INSS and providing the required information.
Commitment to Famale Employees:
Medical follow-up of pregnant workers, including: medical guidance about feeding and education about the importance of prenatal actions and risks to smoking pregnant women.
Insertion of youngsters in the market:
RESIBRAS directs the employees’ children to join projects in the capacity of apprentices or courses offered by the government, by giving support to their first job from the preparation of their curriculum vitae to their delivery to partner institutions.
Donation campaigns:
Solidarity mobilization is also part of the actions of social responsibility for the benefit of the communities and institutions Resibras attends. Through specific campaigns carried out throughout the year, items of first necessity are collected to be delivered to disadvantaged people, beneficiaries of Institutions, Schools and the surrounding community.
Social field  actions:
Linked to the Resibras Sustainability and Shared Value program, this action benefits the community around the Farms where the meetings with producers are held. Held in partnership with municipal governments, among others, it provided medical care, medication delivery, vaccination, blood pressure measurement, haircutting and even exposure of courses and training activities by educational institutions, all for free.
Voluntary work is also stimulated by the company. Actions are developed kin partnership with Schools located around the company and involve areas of incentive to education, preservation of the environment and health.
On an annual basis, vaccine update campaigns are held in partnership with the municipal government, where all employees have access to vaccines without resorting to a health unit.
Campaign for identification and follow-up of hypertensive individuals:
Hypertensive individuals are subject to a medical follow-up supported by a feeding plan and are released from their sectors according to medical directions to feed themselves at scheduled times.
Labor Gymnastics:
With the purpose to promote welfare and good life quality, occupational fitness activities were implanted in 2016 for all Company’s contributors.
Dental Care:
On a quarterly basis, a preventive dental care activity is offered to contributors in partnership with a specialized company.

Rua Vinte de Janeiro,1615

Barra do Ceará, Fortaleza - CE - Brasil

Cep: 60331-200

Tel. 55 85 3288.7500 

Copyrights © 2015 All Rights Reserves by Resibras


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