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Lilian Moura
VP Sales & Marketing

Commercial Director with a great experience in cashew nut sales and export management. She is responsible for sales of Marambaia conventional and organic cashew nuts. She holds a degree in Psychology and Accounting, and also a MBA in Business from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (COPPEAD).


Regis Aguiar
CFO - Chief Financial Officer
A senior professional with a multidisciplinary experience of 15 years in costs, foreign trade, administrative/financial and strategic planning. Graduated in Economy from University of Fortaleza and holds a MBA in Finances from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (COPPEAD).
Henrique Almeida
FSMS & Technology - Plant Director
Industrial and Technology Director graduated in mechanical engineering from Federal University of Ceará, with a wide experience in project and management of cashew nut processing plants.
Péricles Correia
Supply Chain Manager
Commercial Consultant, geographer and post-graduated in foreign trade and corporate management. He has a wide experience the commercialization of cashew nuts and is also the manager of organic and SCR projects.

Rua Vinte de Janeiro,1615

Barra do Ceará, Fortaleza - CE - Brasil

Cep: 60331-200

Tel. 55 85 3288.7500 / Fax: 55 85 3288.7548

E- mail:


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Rua Vinte de Janeiro,1615

Barra do Ceará, Fortaleza - CE - Brasil

Cep: 60331-200

Tel. 55 85 3288.7500 

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