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Internal Workplace and Environmental Accident Prevention Week

On octuber 24-28, we realized our Internal Workplace and Environmental Accident Prevention Week - SIPAT-MA, was held with various health actions, work safety and quality of life, dental care, workshop activities aimed at raising awareness and environmental preservation and donation of fruit tree seedlings.

In this way the company commits itself, respecting the laws and collaborating for the sustainable development of society.


Entre 24 e 28/10/2017 ocorreu a SIPAT-MA, Semana Interna de Prevenção Acidentes de Trabalho e Meio ambiente, com várias ações de saúde, segurança do trabalho e qualidade de vida, palestras preventivas, atendimento odontológico e atividades voltadas a conscientização e preservação ambiental com palestras e doação de mudas de árvores frutíferas. Desta forma a empresa compromete-se , respeitando as leis vigentes e colaborando para o desenvolvimento sustentável da sociedade.

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