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The RESIBRAS Community Shared Value Program serves as a basis for the company’s Sustainability actions and is focused on the production of organic cashew nuts, which has made us deeply know the life of a small producer of family agriculture and guide them about crop handling practices and preservation of the environment, thus adding value and contributing to product and country life quality.
Organic certification work ensures full product traceability from the field to the client.
By complying with the environmental regulations in the field, we currently produce organic cashew nuts certified by ECOCERT Brasil, internationally accredited to USDA and COFRAC, which regulate BRO standards 10831/03, NOP, EOS and Canada.
About the Program:
The Program is a strategy for the company’s relationship with its producers and suppliers of organic cashew nuts to improve production and country life quality.
Our program aims the systematic supervision, guidance and support to producers with respect to adequate crop handling practices, non-use of
chemicals, environmental preservation, waste handling in rural area and best use of soil.
In consideration of the differentiated work carried out by organic cashew producers, they are granted an economic bonus that values the product and inures to the improvement of producers’ life. In addition to that direct return, RESIBRAS is focused on searching for institutional partners to develop actions intended to generate an addition income to producers and increase productivity and other activities complementary to cashew nut production.
Concerned over the social integrated and productive development of its producers and suppliers of organic cashew nuts, RESIBRAS develops a capacity building plan involving such topics as health, citizenship and environmental education. The social target is also focused on meetings between RESIBRAS and its suppliers to allow the company to be continuously transmitting its values, purposes and objectives.
RESIBRAS is provided with a multidisciplinary team focused on developing socio-environmental actions with organic cashew nut producers, attended by the supply chain manager,  farming technicians and a social responsibility manager.

Rua Vinte de Janeiro,1615

Barra do Ceará, Fortaleza - CE - Brasil

Cep: 60331-200

Tel. 55 85 3288.7500 

Copyrights © 2015 All Rights Reserves by Resibras


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